Exploring the unknown

I think it’s official – social media is not going away.

The evidence is overwhelming and now, even the naysayers are trying to climb on board. The one thing stopping them however, as has been noted time and again, is fear. The biggest concern that I keep hearing from a variety of sources (particularly those over 40) is that social media will only provide a forum to express negative or critical thoughts about them or their organization.

But guess what, you aren’t providing those forums – they abound. Not being privy to whatever criticism might be out there is not blissful ignorance, it’s a missed opportunity. Often times, your own following will leap to your defense, particularly when the criticism is unfounded. That has just publicly strengthened your reputation and all you had to do was stand back and watch. Where completely erroneous statements are made, this is your chance to correct them. And in the event that a complaint or criticism is founded, address it. Show your following that you care and are taking necessary steps. This demonstrates transparency, humility and leadership – all, very welcome.

If you are so afraid of testing the waters, start by just wading in. Scan the environment and see what is being said about you. At worst, it may be nothing at all. You should do something about that.

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