EXTRA, EXTRA – traditional media still a huge boon


While we are obviously strong proponents of social media and the potential it holds, one cannot discount traditional media or the tremendous opportunities it continues to represent.

I heard a friend, who is a reporter, lament that when she called to get some information about a specific business, she was essentially dismissed because the public relations officer had to grab lunch.

Appearing in the news (ideally, for good reason) is a huge boon. If you’re really smart, you use whatever social media tools you have to bring further attention to it and really leverage that opportunity. Appearing in the news is a great and free way to reach a very broad audience. Even better, they are getting the information from a trusted (most times) and objective source. You seriously can’t buy that sort of opportunity. So please, by all means, don’t let it go because there is always someone else willing to jump in and take advantage. The investment, in this case, is simply a little time. The return is huge.

So, while social media is fabulous and is a great way to get the word out, traditional media is still an immensely effective way to grow your business and your credibility. If you are lucky enough to have that chance, don’t blow it.